DriveExport 3.5.7

DriveExport 3.5.7 is out. The new version has some performance improvements and a new useful option: GoogleAcknowledgeAbuse. If you got errors like

This file has been identified as malware or spam and cannot be downloaded. [403] 
Errors [ Message[This file has been identified as malware or spam and cannot be downloaded.] 
Location[ - ] Reason[cannotDownloadAbusiveFile] Domain[global]]

and you are absolutely sure the files are legitimate, you can activate the option to allow DriveExport to download them. Keep in mind you do that at your own risk. Sometimes Google is wrong in marking files as abusive (malware, virus, etc.) but generally it’s right. Activate the option only if you really need it and you’re sure the files are legitimate.

To activate, edit the configuration file adding exactly:

<GoogleAcknowledgeAbuse>ACTIVE - I understand and accept the risks of using it.</GoogleAcknowledgeAbuse>


Published on by Drive Export